SuperComfy Hemp Clothing ~ with a Sweet Twist

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~ Men ~

Hemp Sleeveless Tee
Hemp T-Shirts
Hemp LS Shirts
Hemp LS Patchprint

~ Women ~

Mariposa TieTop
Sweetheart Tanktop
Hempire Top
Hemp T-Shirts
Hemp Hottie Shorts
Hemp Yogapri Pants
Hemp Yoga Pants
Hemp Lounge Pants
Short Wrap Skirt
Overpantz Skirt

~ Accessories ~

Hemp Socks
Hemp Cuffs
Hemp Gloves

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Design Services
Graphic Design & Custom Clothing for sustainably-minded projects.

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About Swirlspace

Mission Statement

Swirlspace combines original artwork with supercomfy, eco-friendly, hemp-based clothing, made locally in San Francisco, California since spring 2000. We have made a strong commitment to offer our unique organic style at very reasonable prices.

Standard business practices within the garment industry are quite disturbing. Many companies utilize toxic fibers and sweatshop labor in foreign countries to churn out cheap goods. We cannot justify these practices in the name of capitalistic economic theory. We support sustainable business practices and fair local labor as much as possible.

We have cultivated seeds of truth and awareness surrounding the many benefits of Hemp and Organics in general. False rhetoric has been misleading the American public far too long. Hemp is not a drug, it's a very useful PLANT. We have even campaigned members of Congress at the nation's capitol to overturn national and state policies which defy common sense, especially the so-called "war on drugs". It is time to legalize industrial Hemp agriculture in the US!

We support progressive social ideals and human freedoms. We must seek the truth beyond the mass-fed channels and become the media. We believe we can co-create a more fulfilling reality for ourselves and others thru creativity, inspiration and cooperation.

Thanks for visiting the site and be sure to come back soon. Until then, SWIRL in peace and remember to express your personal freedom...

Swirlspace Anthem

Between all points, real and imagined,
constantly in motion and continuously changing,
a raw universal flow, invisible yet sensed,
unleashes its energies, waves inviting and dense.

swirlspace surrounds us, swaying and soaring,
internally warming, inducing, transforming.
spirals, signs spinning, secrets in silence,
organic in freedom, naturally now in the moment,
reality loses its time-space components.

release your mind, now open the i,
the place where dream thoughts dot the why.

hemp t-shirt hemp tshirt

Co-Founding Member
SF Urban Alliance for Sustainability

Hemp Industries Association

Co-op America
Business Network

Vote Hemp


hemp clothing for men and women, hemp tshirts, hemp skirts, hemp tanktops, hemp pants, made in USA, organic hemp clothes,



©2010 swirlspace. All rights reserved.

What does it mean?

The term "swirlspace" was coined by Swirlspace founder/designer Gustavo Alcantar in 1998. It is an abstract concept that identifies the physical and metaphysical space that spirals within and around each one of us.

We are individually responsible for creating, affecting and consciously altering this energy field in a positive or negative manner by our thoughts, actions and feelings. This in turn affects those people or things that are in close proximity, and co-creates our reality.

Our designs reflect the magical processes of self-realization, eco-awareness, positivity, and inner peace.